WordPress: There Is No Other Choice

When you decide to make an income online from blogging you will find that you are faced with many choices. Do not be put off by that statement, the choices you make are not difficult ones but they do need time to form the decision.

One of the first choices you will come up against is which blogging platform will you use?

There are many blogging software scripts available on the internet and they will all claim to be the best. You’ve got B2Evolution, Blogger, Drupal, Livejournal, Nucleus CMS and WordPress, to name just a couple out of the hundreds available.

In my opinion WordPress is the king of the blogging platforms by a clear mile and a half. It is just so customisable and it comes with thousands and thousands of lovely free themes and plug-ins to make it do even more than what it could do without them.

Why, with WordPress you can use it as a blog, a web site, a CMS web site, a review web site, a YouTube clone web site, and that is just a couple of the things I have discovered for myself. None of the other scripts offer any of these.

With my own blog I have managed to create a free newsletter, create a page so that Google Search results appear on it, login using my OpenID account instead of my WordPress account, and so much more.

Let me make this choice easier.

If you want to make a success of your blog and earn money with it then there is no better option than WordPress.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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