What 22 Plugins Do I Use?

After the post that I published on the blog yesterday I received a few enquiries (sadly all from Twitter and Email, none from the comments section) asking me what 22 plugins I now use for this blog.

So here they are in alphabetical order:

1-click Retweet/Share/Like

I love this plugin. It produces buttons so your readers can share your post on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg, Stumble, Google Buzz and it includes an option to email the post to friends.


This was something that I installed recently. It is a way of giving something back to a commenter, in exchange for leaving a comment they are given an extra link at the bottom of their comment.

Contextual Related Posts

With this plugin you can display a list of related posts at the end of a post. A great way to keep readers on your blog.

Exclude Pages from Navigation

If you have created pages that you do not wish to be included in your navigation menu then this little plugin is the one for you.

Fast Secure Contact Form

This is the plugin I use to receive emails from my readers and visitors. Might not be the best option, and I am looking for a better one, but it does the job as long as you have Akismet installed.

FeedBurner FeedSmith

A plugin that I have rarely thought about since I installed it. It redirects any attempt to access my feed to my Feedburner feed.

FT FacePress II

This plugin saves me time every day. When I publish a post on my blog it automatically publishes the title, excerpt and link on my Facebook profile and on my Facebook Fan Page.


A plugin that masks urls. Why have http://yourdomainname.com/folder/folder/affiliatenumber when you can have something like http://makemoneylessons.com/go/bluehost/. You can also change the ‘go’ bit to whatever you wish. It even tracks how many clicks each URL receives.

Google Analyticator

This is just something that is displayed on the admin panel dashboard for my pleasure. It shows me the traffic details for the past month without me having to log into my Google Analytic account.

Google XML Sitemaps

A plugin that nobody should be without. It helps you rank in the Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask search engines a lot quicker. I use it once a week but if you post more often than I do then you can use it daily.

Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin

This little baby has replaced Akismet. It displays a box in your comments section that must be ticked by the commenter to prove they are human. No tick, no comment. It means no more wading though thousands and thousands of spam comments trying to weed out the odd real comment.


If you are not happy with the default WordPress comments section then why not give IntenseDebate a go? It is a complete overhaul and offer great features that you won’t find with the WordPress default version.

New Adman

I’m a lazy man so I use the New Adman plugin to inject my ads into my posts (top middle and bottom) and to inject an ad onto the front page of my blog (above first post). No having to edit theme files for me. :)

NoFollow Free

A very simple plugin that turns your blog into a do-follow blog. It also comes with a top commentators widget but I don’t use that as it has no option to reset it.

PopUp Domination

What a great Christmas present this was!

You may have seen this premium plugin in action a lot recently. It displays a pop-up when you enter the blog, people use it to generate subscribers for their mailing lists. I haven’t launched it yet but everyone is raving about it.

SRG Clean Archives

It displays your archives in a neat little list on its own page. No more will you have to put up with the increasing ugly list in your sidebar.

Text Link Ads InLinks

This is a plugin that I use to insert links Text Link Ads into my blog, saves me having to manually do it by editing files.

Top Commentators Widget

This is another plugin that I use to give something back to my readers who comment. It displays my top commentators in my sidebar and gives them a backlink. You can set it to reset the count whenever you want.

Tweet old post

A great plugin that I don’t know how I managed without. It posts random posts to your Twitter account.


A plugin that places a navigation menu for your posts at the bottom of the home page.

WP About Author

This is a plugin that I use to tell my readers a bit about me. At the bottom of a post it displays my bio that it pulls from my user account

WP EzineArticles

This is helpful for when I want to publish articles from my blog onto Ezine Articles. Just enter a bio and pick a category and it will submit it for you.

So there you have it. Hopefully you’ll find a couple in there helpful. Do you already use any of them?

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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