The 7 Links Challenge

Quite a few bloggers have been challenged to create a post called The 7 Links Challenge. I thought this might be fun for me to do and hopefully entice some of my readers to do the same thing on their own blogs.

1. Your First Post?

The first official post that I published on I Need Discipline was a really poor article back in 2007 called Earn Money Reading Emails.

2. A Post You Enjoyed Writing The Most?

It was really difficult to decide which blog post I enjoyed writing the most. The one thing I know is that I enjoyed writing every single Monthly Blog Income Report, so I think I’ll pick the entire category.

3. A Post Which Has Great Discussion?

The most commented on blog post that I ever wrote was easily the 19 Blog Review Networks, which had a whopping 68 blog comments and is still rising even over two years after I published it.

4. A Post That You Wish You’d Written?

Pretty much anything that has ever been written on Problogger, because each post gets so much traffic and promotion.

5. A Post With A Title You’re Proud Of?

This would have to be A Blog Advertising Store By Any Other Name, because I really like the humorous way I came up with the title of the post.

6. A Post That You Wish More People Had Read?

This was another tough one for me as I have written several blog posts that I wish more people had read. But I am incredibly proud of the post I wrote about Adding Google Search Results To Your Blog.

7. Your Most Visited Post Ever?

This has to be the December 2009 Blog Income Report that I wrote last year, it was just as I was starting blog commenting.

Why don’t you create a post like this on your own blog?


About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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