I have just this minute finished reading an interesting post on Lisa Irby’s excellent blog. It was a post that was discussing whether displaying your income to your readers was a good idea or a bad idea.
Personally I’m in favour of it. As anyone who reads my blog regularly knows I do post a monthly blog report. It doesn’t just gloss over it either, it lists pretty much every network that I earn from, even if it is only a couple of Cents.
I publish my income for two main reasons:
1. By displaying my income I am showing you that it is possible to earn money online. And it will hopefully inspire people to try it themselves.
2. There are so many people in the MMO niche that lie about making money that I believe you have to reveal your earnings to gain any sort of credibility.
I know there are a lot of people who disagree with me. Lisa talks about privacy, and not wishing to brag, on her blog post. I can understand both of those views. People who post pics of their houses and cars are definitely bragging.
John Chow, Darren Rowse & Shoemoney have all long since stopped revealing their incomes on their blogs. A cynic like myself might say that they have stopped revealing their incomes because they are not earning anywhere near the amounts they were reporting and don’t wish to let their readers know.
Over the past year I have noticed a decrease in the amount of bloggers who are revealing their income on their blogs. Maybe they are opting for the privacy option, or maybe they are joining the same group as those who I have mentioned above.
What about you? Are you for or against bloggers displaying their income on their blogs? Is it pure narcissism? Or is it something that more bloggers should be encouraged to do?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay