A regular stream of passive income can keep you away from financial trouble because you have some extra cash for some of your expenses. Passive income is a regular earning that is not from a contractor or employer. Even though the traditional definition of passive income is money earned from a business where you are not an active participant, your options are more diverse than you may think. Most people consider that getting a second or third job to be the best way to have a passive income, but that may not be convenient, especially when your primary employment is time-consuming and tiring.
Real Estate
Rental income is the oldest and most popular method of getting passive income. Granted that investing in the property market may require a significant amount of work upfront, but after that, you won’t have to do much else. Decide beforehand the type of real estate investment you prefer. Research your alternatives and don’t forget to factor in your financial capabilities. Know the loan size you can get for your property investment and if you will be able to cover the mortgage. If it’s a rental building, a building manager can handle the day to day affairs as you sit and collect the earnings. However, if your real estate asset is to make you any money, it must be a worthy investment, so you may want to get professional advice. If you don’t have the time or money to own a property outright, consider investing in REITs, which will earn you income through dividends.
Creative Works
For an individual with a talent such as writing, comedy or acting, you can make money off it. With the internet, you can create products and sell them online. Earning a passive income from creative products requires work as well. For instance, you have to make time to write an e-book or a short story before you can make money from it. Recording funny video clips for YouTube is another way to exploit your talent. Make certain you establish an online presence first, so you have an audience for your material once it is on the net. Creative products such as books and music can bring in a handsome amount if you collect royalties, which is possible if you sell to a publisher or distributor.
Affiliate Marketing
When you have a website that is doing very well, you can try making a passive income from affiliate marketing. How it works is that other website owners post ads and links to their products on your site to attract customers. When people click on the links on your site and purchase products from the third party, then you get a commission. The advertiser creates the ads, and all you have to do is post them on your page. However, this is only profitable when your website is good enough to attract consumers.
Trade Online
Perhaps the easiest way to earn a passive income is to invest in online trading. Trading is not as complicated as it used to be and even without the skills or financial acumen, you can start making extra cash. With online trading platforms such as CMC Markets, anyone can try their luck in trading. You can choose between stocks, commodities or currencies, depending on what your online broker offers. Some online platforms go further and provide Robo-advisers, meaning you don’t have to worry about when or which trades to place. Additionally, online brokers have research materials that traders can use to back up their decisions.
Silent Partner in a Business
A truly passive way to make extra cash is to invest in a company as a silent partner. Many opportunities are available out there from companies that are looking for expansion capital to start-ups in need of seed money. Instead of giving a loan to an entrepreneur, you can have a stake in the business, which means you share in the profits. Being a silent partner doesn’t require you to get involved in the business operations, so you can continue with your normal duties and just wait for the monthly cheque. Don’t be quick, though to put money in an enterprise just because it shows potential, especially when it’s a start-up. Look at the feasibility of the business concept, spend time researching the markets and investigate the people who will handle the daily responsibilities.