I am slowly starting to get back into the swing of work over the past month, not back to 100% but I think I up to around 50% of what I was doing last time. It is important that I keep pushing myself because at the end of the day if I don’t do the work then I don’t get any money.
Page Impressions & Visitor Count
The unique visitor count for October stands at 687, which is a decrease of 63 from the month of September.
The page impression count for October stands at 1.302, which is a further decrease of 227 from the month of September.
This means that each unique visitor looked at 1.56 pages.
– Despite increasing the workload I still saw the traffic tumble a bit more, hopefully this is something that will turn around next month.
Money! Money! Money!
Adbrite = $0.40 (+$0.19)
AdEngage = $0.09 (+$0.03)
AdsDaq = $0.31 (-$0.11)
Passive Income = $0.06 (+/-$0.00)
Reviews = $95.00 (-$62.50)
Smowtion = $0.22 (-$0.21)
TLA = $6.00 (+/-$0.00)
Twitter = $8.38 (+$0.68)
UnderDog = $1.49 (+$0.11)
Total = $111.95 (+$15.22)
– Really nice to see me increasing the income amount again. I should see even better results next month because Linkworth are due to pay out in a couple of weeks.
Top Five Search Terms
I like this part of the monthly income report. It is amazing how people find this blog on search engines
1. unfollow non followers
2. digitalpoint sponsored tweets
3. discipline
4. $50.00 today
5. i need discipline
Popular Posts Of The Month
1. 5 Free Twitter Tools to Unfollow Non-Followers
2. August 2010 Blog Income Report
3. 7 Networks That Will Pay You To Tweet On Twitter
4. July 2010 Blog Income Report
5. 4 Ways To Make An Income Without Displaying Ads
5 Top Site Referrals
The top five sites that sent the most visitors to this blog.
1. intensedebate.com
2. rajaietalks.com
3. selbstaendig-im-netz.de
4. forums.digitalpoint.com
5. testiphone.com
– I do not include Google in this part because it ALWAYS comes top.