Person holding a fanned-out stack of U.S. 100-dollar bills

November 2013 Blog Income Report

Every month since November 2007 I have written an income report which documents all the methods I have used to make money over the past month, I do this because I want to help people to make money online like I do and believe that showing people what I earn is the best way to get them interested and inspired to try it themselves. Unlike other blogs I will list EVERY method that pays me, whether it is big Bucks or only a couple of Cents.

When I first started this I made just over $5 in my first month, now although I don’t put in as many hours as I should I am making $100s in what could be considered “spare time”.

Visitor Count & Page Impressions

The unique visitor count for November stands at 67,240, which is a nice increase of 4,613 from the month of October.

The page impression count for November stands at 229,352, which is a nice increase of 4,892 from the month of October.

– I am attracting a nice amount of traffic now, but my income from ad networks is not going up because the traffic is coming from countries that the ad networks don’t really want, they are only interested in US, UK and some European countries, whereas most of my income is coming from European and Asian countries.

Show Me The Money!

CPMFun = $0.07 (-$0.04)
CPM Leader = $0.03 (+/-$0.00)
Fidelity Media (AdJuggler) = $2.13 (+$2.11)
Forum Posting = $0.00 (-$17.34)
Freelance Writing = $605.00 (-$80.03)
Link Removal Fee = $0.00 (-$5.00)
Loan Repayments = $0.79 (+$0.01)
Passive Income = $16.37 (+$2.04)
Private Advertising = $0.00 (-$2.56)
Smowtion = $0.19 (+$0.03)
Sponsored Posts = $101.00 (-$529.16)
Sponsored Social Media Posts = $10.50 (-$8.00)
UnderDog = $0.03 (-$0.13)
Yahoo Bing Network = $0.02 (+$0.02)

Total = $736.13 (-$638.05)

– Rather disappointed to discover my income has almost halved during November, but I shouldn’t be so surprised as I took a bit of time off from writing sponsored posts and forum posts.

Top Five Search Term

I like this part of the monthly income report. It is amazing how people find this blog on search engines.

1. learning to write more professionally
2. making money by writing custom essays
3. mamie@breastactives. Com
4. market research using social networks
5. meeting in relaxed places vs meetings in formal settings

– I was rather baffled why “mamie@breastactives. com” pointed to my site, I have a feeling someone might have snuck that in as a comment name.

Popular Posts of the Month

1. Branding Your business – 5 Essential Tips
2. How I Make Money from the Comments on my Blog
3. 6 Ways to Make Money with your Blog that you Might have Overlooked
4. BloggingAds Closes It’s Doors
5. 5 Ways To Keep Your Blog Readers Coming Back

5 Top Site Referrals

The top five sites that sent the most visitors to this blog.


Top 10 Commenters

This is just my little way of saying thank you to the people who take the time to comment on this blog. Without you guys it would be just me rambling away. 🙂

1. Vukasin (5)
2. Agriya (3)
3. DVDs (3)
4. Michael Bian (2)
5. Packaging Supplies (2)
6. Property Marbella (2)
7. Software Downloads (2)
8. stress relief games (2)
9. Tech Blog (2)
10. ebele (1)

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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