If you are trying to make money online by selling a product to people then you will no doubt have experienced the frustration when you spend hours every day trying various methods to entice new leads but very few of them stick around long enough to purchase anything from you.
I am not a fan of paying money out, one of my proud points is that I have managed to create an income online for myself without spending a lot of money, in fact the only money I pay out is for the domain name. But if you are trying to sell a product then you have to spend money in order to make money.
You could give yourself a bit of a helping hand by hiring the services of an online marketing company who might be able to come on board and possibly provide better methods for you to generate the leads that you are looking for.
Marketing Ignite is one company that is certainly worth a look at, they have been around for over 14 years, and it is pretty hard to stay in business in an industry like that if you are not producing the goods for clients. You can find a list of their satisfied clients on their site but there is one section on their site that I think it well worth using even if you don’t hire their services.
They have a section on their site called ‘Free SEO Tools’ and it has over 15 tools that you can use for free to find keywords, check backlinks, improve HTML, and a hell of a lot more.
There are not a lot of companies that would give ONE of these tools away for free, but here is Market Ignite giving away over FIFETEEN of them for the grand price of zero.
Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay