My Goals For 2011

This year I have decided not to make any New Years Resolutions about myself (lose weight, travel more, get a better job, eat right, etc) but have instead made a list of goals surrounding my blog.

GOAL 1: Make More Money Than I Did In 2010

This is probably a no-brainer to a lot of people, but last year I made less than I did in 2009 and even less than I did in 2008. This year I have decided to go from doing this as a hobby and turn it into doing this on a part time basis.

Here in the United Kingdom I believe that $10,000 a year is the bare minimum for a part time living so this is what I am aiming for.

GOAL 2: Write More Content For This Blog

During 2010 I published a grand total of 107 articles on this blog, that works out to 8.91 articles per month. Is this acceptable for a successful blog? I don’t think it is, and it certainly isn’t acceptable for my blog. :P

My aim during 2011 is to post the equivalent of an article a day. Doing this means I will really find out if more content will bring in more traffic or if it is just a myth.

GOAL 3: Give This Blog A Redesign

I really like the way the blog looks at the moment but I have made a bit of a mistake with it. If you check out my other blogs you will notice that I have used the same theme for them as I did for this blog.

I’m thinking about moving to Thesis but I’m not sure yet as it costs money. A redesign will also mean an overview of the plugins I currently use.

GOAL 4: Step Up My Bid To Get More Guest Posts

At the end of last year I finally got my act together and decided to start recruiting guest posts for the blog. It was a very good idea, on my part, and I am going to try and publish a guest post at least once a month.

GOAL 5: Start Up More Blogs

This is something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. I have some unused domains going to waste so I’m going to set up some more blogs and see if I can generate any income with them before they expire.

GOAL 6: Double My RSS Subscriber Count

Have you taken a peak at my RSS subscriber count lately? It is truly pathetic. If you don’t believe me then go and have a quick look, I’ll wait. Did you see it? Rubbish isn’t it? Who in their right mind would take advice from someone who has only about 50 subscribers.

GOAL 7: Start My Mailing List

After a year of promising to do it, and people telling off for not having one, I’ve decided that 2011 will be the year that I finally get a mailing list launched. I have had the software in place for over a year now, and for a Christmas present someone bought me a copy of Pop-up Domination, so I have no excuse now. :)

GOAL 8: Double The Traffic

At the moment I am bringing in around a thousand unique visitors to the blog a month and just under 2,000 impressions, I think by distributing my old articles to article directories and more blog commenting, I think I can easily double my traffic without too much effort.

GOAL 9: Submit More Of My Old Articles To Article Directory Sites

I sampled this last year and found the results to be well worth the effort. It wasn’t bringing me in as much traffic as Twitter, Facebook or blog commenting, but it was still a couple of hundred hits a month. Bare in mind I only submitted a couple of articles to a couple of directories.

This year I’m going to post at least one old article a day to around 20+ article directory sites.

GOAL 10: Write More Content For Passive Income Directories

This is something else that I tried out last year. There are some sites that let you post your content and you receive income by how many visits your articles get. I earned just under a Dollar by posting a couple of articles on two sites.

I’m not going to submit one article a day, like with my goal above, but I certainly plan on posting a few a week and I will submit them to about half a dozen of these sites.

GOAL 11: Write At Least One Ebook

I have so many ideas for books that I have been putting off writing for years. This year I will produce at least one ebook, and it will almost definitely be a free ebook.

So there you have it, my goals for 2011. What are your goals? I’d like to read them. :)

Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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