Person holding a fanned-out stack of U.S. 100-dollar bills

June 2008 Blog Income Report

Was it me or has June gone remarkably quickly? One minute I am writing up the blog income report for May and now five minutes later I find that it needs to be done again for June. It means only 25 days until my holiday!

This month my mind has been on other things when it should have been on making money. I did make more money than I did last month But to my credit I have given two of my blogs a complete redesign with a new theme and everything.

Moving The Numbers

Starting from today I will be printing my monthly blog income report on this blog instead of my Dean Saliba Dot Com one. I will still be reporting my monthly traffic stats on that blog but the money information (the bit you are all interested in) will be posted on I Need Discipline. :)

All My Blogs

For anyone who is new to my blog the figures contained in his report are for three blogs. You have this one, Dean Saliba Dot Com and my wrestling blog The Wrestling Gazette.

Adding New Advertising Avenues

In my ongoing quest to earn money on the internet for the month of July I shall be adding Kontera and AdTolls to two of my blogs. I shall be reporting about my findings at the end of July some time.

Page Impressions & Visitor Count

Page Views

This is the first month that I have actually printed the traffic stats for I Need Discipline. Since it is still a work in progress for me (my Dean Saliba Dot Com blog has over 32.000 hits last month) I am quite pleased with the traffic for this month, it gives me something to work with.

This month the number stands at 7,709 which is an increase of 1,055 from last month.

Unique Visitors

Not only did I see a nice rise in page views this month but my unique visitors took an increase as well, although not in the same fashion

This month the number stands at a nice 3.206, which is an increase of 267.

This means that each visitor looked at an average of 2.4 pages each.

Number Crunching

This blog and my The Wrestling Gazette blog both received new designs during the month of June and it seems that the readers and visitors agree with the results.

Adbrite: $0.44 (-$0.37)
Adsense: $7.02 (-$5.29)
Clicksor: $2.08 (+$0.73)
Reviews: $157.01 (+$42.51)
Bonus: $0.26

Total: $168.81 (+$39.84)

I received a ‘bonus’ from PayPal today for the sum of $0.26, I have no idea why this was given to me

Top Five Search Terms

I like this part of the monthly income report. It is amazing how people find my blog on search engines.

1. i need discipline
2. effective ways to promote your pub
3. ez unsecured reviews
4. “I need discipline!”
5. payday one company reviews

Five Most Popular Posts

The five most popular articles in the last calendar month.

1. Blog Review Networks
2. Enhancement Vs. Enlargement
3. Easy Unsecured Business Loans
4. Ever Wanted To Be A Model?
5. Earn Money With Bloggerwave

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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