When you write a post for your blog the main aim has to be to get as many people to read your post as possible. The majority of my traffic for this blog comes from Google and other search engines so when I write a blog post I think about how it will fair in the SERPs.
Determine Your Keywords
Before I write my post I like to come up with a small list of keywords that I will insert into the article. These keywords, I hope, will help the post show up high in the SERPs when people search for that keyword.
I don’t go overboard. I would say that one keyword per 100 words is fine.
Keywords In Title
It is a good idea to insert one or two of your chosen keywords into the title of the blog. I’ve found a lot of the time that posts with keywords in the title do rank higher for me than ones with just keywords in the content.
Where To Put The Keywords
Along with the keyword in the title, in my experience it is important where you put the keywords in your post. My best results have been when I have inserted the keywords into the first and last paragraphs
Tag Your Post?
This is something that I rarely do but a number of more experienced bloggers swear by it. Putting your keywords into tags can apparently help when the search engine spiders drop by to crawl your site.
The reason I do not do this is because it was originally associated with Technorati and I believe that site became obsolete many months ago.
Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay