If you are reading this then you are either a blogger looking to make money or you are someone who is thinking about making money from blogging. Either way you’re interested in making money by blogging on the internet.
You can make money with your blog via a number of ways.
Affiliate Marketing
This is the holy grail for everyone who thinks about making an income from the internet with a web site or a blog. It is also the most difficult thing to achieve as it takes a lot of effort as you have to write lots of articles, pushing your product, and an incredible amount of research finding the right product to flog.
Paid Blog Reviews
This is something I do right now to make a large slice of my monthly income. Getting paid to write blog posts seems quite an attractive proposition, and believe me it is at times it can be just that, but it can also be quite boring as the subject matter is not normally something you’ll like.
But if you’re quite happy to take a few minutes to write a post about credit cards for $10 then this is something you’ll find a lot of success at.
Private Advertisers
A more lucrative income avenue is to find advertisers who are willing to pay you to advertise their company, site or product on your web site. This is probably even more difficult than affiliate marketing as it takes a lot of time finding these companies (they won’t come to you in the beginning).
But once you find a group of advertisers willing to pay then you’ll find that they will return frequently and you’ll have a regular form of incoming every month.
Banner Adverts
This is the easiest way of making money. You simply join one of the many advert networks that litter the internet and then place their ad codes on your blogs. I have found CPM networks to work better as they only need you to have traffic, where as CPC networks require clicks.
Do you earn money from your blog from other avenues? Why not leave a comment and let us know?
Image by Kevin King(Chandana Perera) from Pixabay