How did I Increase the Comments on my Blog?

Comments, we all want more don’t we? What better indication is there that someone is reading your blog than taking the time to leave you a comment at the end of a post? You could probably find a lot of tips on Google on how to increase your comment count and they will range from some pointless tips (write good content) to the downright silly (turn off your spam filter).

I have been using a method for the past month or two and I have found that it has led to an increase in not only how many comments I have received but how many quality comments I have received, not to mention the fact that people seem to be commenting faster now.

What Was My Big Tip?

So what did I do to entice a flurry of people to descend onto this blog and leave comments? I simply made a change in my settings that turns comments off on a post after it has been published for thirty days.

That is all I did.

And it is so simple to do, you simply navigate to your Settings -> Discussion and then tick the box next to “Automatically close comments on articles older than ## days” – Don’t forget to put in the number of days before the post shuts comments down.

I have also found that people have been subscribing to my RSS feed a little bit more so that they can keep an eye on my posts so they can comment the next time I touch upon the subject that first drew them to my blog.

Why not try it for yourself and see if it works well for you?

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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