Just like last month I was not sure about whether I was going to post a monthly income blog report for this month as I had down pretty much the same as I did during January. But again I thought it would be unfair so here is a brief post.
Page Impressions & Visitor Count
The unique visitor count for February stands at 381, which is a big drop of 485 from the month of January.
The page impression count for February stands at 541, which again is a big drop of 643 from the month of January.
This means that each unique visitor looked at 1.42 pages.
Search engines accounted for 48.56% of my traffic. 30.18% of my traffic was from referring sites. 21.26% was from direct traffic.
Money Money Money!
Adbrite = $0.40 (+$0.13)
AdsDaq = $0.06 (-$0.06)
Adsense = $5.01 (+$4.22)
Adtoll = $0.05 (+$0.05)
Infolinks = $0.34 (+$0.28)
Kontera = $0.02 (-$0.08)
Reviews = $35.00 (-$39.94)
Smowtion = $0.16 (-$0.22)
TLA = $10.27 (-$1.98)
Tradedoubler = $0.56 (-$0.54)
UnderDog = $0.01 (-$0.07)
Total = $51.88 (-$38.23)
Top Five Search Terms
I like this part of the monthly income report. It is amazing how people find my blog on search engines.
1. bloggerwave scam
2. bloggerwave
3. I need discipline
4. specticles
5. my plans for the future
Popular Posts Of The Month
1. December 2009 Blog Income Report
2. 19 Blog Review Networks
3. Add Your Image To Blog Comments
4. Blogitive – Nice To Add To Your Collection
5. Lessons That I Have Learnt From 2009
5 Top Site Referrals
The top five sites that sent the most visitors to this blog.
1. forums.digitalpoint.com
2. problogger.net
3. forum.smorty.com
4. moredofollowblogs.blogspot.com
5. intensedebate.com