CPMLeader: Maybe Not But at Least They Pay

CPMLeader is an advertising network you may not have heard of before and it is not surprising as it isn’t one of the most professionally run networks on the market, in fact it looks like it is something that is being run out of a 15-year old’s bedroom.

The layout of the site is a pretty standard affair and is very easy to navigate, it could do with having a bit more time devoted to the design but I have certainly seen worse efforts around.

The main problems that let the network down are when you create an account and actually get into the meat of the site. Firstly they allow you to add as many sites as you wish and do not review them, which I believe is a bad move as surely letting any site into your network will put off decent companies who might pay higher?

They do not have a very good stats page either, most networks will let you see how your site have fared in days, weeks, months, and some will even let you do this site by site, but CPMLeader only lets you see how many hits you have received from countries within the last 30 days – All I know is that 517 have come from Belarus within the last 30 days, no idea which site that was for unless I check my Google Analytic.

There also seems to be some dispute over one of their rules where it says visitors must see the ad for 30 seconds, many have said that if the ad is not on the screen for 30 seconds then you get a lower payout. I have emailed them about this but have not received a reply.

Although there are some negatives there are plenty of good points about this network.

I believe they have the lowest payout minimum of any network at $1; this is great for people who might not make lots of money and might have to wait for a $50 minimum with another network. Here is my payout notice:

They also accept traffic from pretty much every country in the world, although they did put a block on Indian traffic last year but I’m not sure if this is still in place or not as there is no mention of it on their site.

They also have a referral system which allows you to receive 15% of whatever a referred publisher makes under you and they also pay $3 for every advertiser you bring to the table, but I believe they must make a purchase before you get paid.


  • Traffic from pretty much every country.
  • No high traffic needed to qualify.
  • Referral system for publisher and advertiser.
  • Very low $1 minimum payout.
  • Ads are clean.


  • No moderation of sites submitted.
  • Lack of proper stat reporting system.
  • Lower payout if ad is not shown for 30 seconds.
  • Seems to go down alarmingly often.

Although CPMLeader has a lot of work still to do it must be applauded that they have managed to survive for over THREE YEARS in this state and at least they pay out on time on a regular basis.

Have you used CPMLeader?

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About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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