I stumbled across a nice blog today with the author discussing his experiences with a blog review company called Bloggerwave. I found what this blog had to say quite interesting as I am also a member of Bloggerwave and have been for a few months now.
Despite being a part of Bloggerwave for over three months now I have not been offered a single review offer. Not only have I not been offered any review opportunities, but I have never seen even one review opportunity listed on the job board.
The orange part is where the review offers are supposed to be listed, that area has been nothing but a huge tangy-coloured space of nothingness since I signed up.
What is even more perplexing though is on the right hand side of that very page is a little box that lists the top 10 earners from Bloggerwave and states that the top earners have earned almost and over $1,500 with the network.
These stats have not moved an inch in the last three months since I have been here. And from what I have been told the lack of review offers was happening long before I joined the network, so how these guys got that much money is an absolute mystery to me.
Whilst I shall continue to check Bloggerwave for potential review offers on a daily basis, I will advise you to look somewhere else like HERE for a better and more reliable network to earn money from.