I like to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. So when I received an email a couple of years ago from a guy informing me about a new sponsored post network I decided to give it a try and see how it panned out.
It took me ages to get one of my small blogs accepted because they kept nit-picking about certain things on the blog, but after weeks of trying I was finally accepted. A couple of months later I received my first assignment, submitted it, and had it approved rather quickly.
That was in July 2011 and I am still waiting for them to pay me. Every month they keep pushing the date back by a month despite stating on their site that they pay every week.
I have fired off FIVE emails to them, three via their contact form and two via an email address on their site, and they have not replied to ANY of them. I have searched Google to see if anyone else has not been paid and have seen no bad things being reported about them.
Has anyone had any dealings with this site?