Basic SEO Training For Small Business: Optimize Your Facebook Page

For small businesses looking for an effective yet cost-efficient way to gain online presence, the answer is social media. While most online marketing strategies may get a bit costly, investing time creating a solid following on popular social media channels is practically free. And if you are a small business owner who is just starting to reach out on social media and a bit overwhelmed by the many social media profiles to create and maintain on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram, don’t worry. You don’t have to manage all those profiles right away.

The best way to start your social media optimization is with Facebook – the leading social media site for quite some time now. According to a recent survey conducted by Pew Research in the US early this year, Facebook remains to be the most popular social media channel in the country. Based on the research, 72% of online adults are on Facebook, showing a high engagement rate – 70% of these Facebook users log in daily, with 43% logging in several times a day.

If you want to take advantage of this high volume of online users, it is important that you optimize your Facebook Business Page correctly, applying best practices from SEO training in order to maximize your conversions. A well-developed social presence is instrumental in improving your search rankings, and your Facebook Business Page is tantamount to your business website in reaching out to your target audience and driving more customers towards your business.

Learn the basic optimization techniques that will help you leverage your Facebook page:

Choose the Right Page Title

Deciding the right name for your Facebook Business Page is crucial because once you have chosen your page title, it is permanent. Use a brandable name which best represents your business and expresses its personality. It is also important to note that the first word of your Facebook page title is the most significant with Google. Avoid overstuffing your page title with generic keywords, as this would make your page look spam-like and will discourage your target audience from getting engaged.

Customize Your Vanity URL

Personalize your dynamic URL and keep it consistent with your brand name. Make sure that it is unique and easy to remember. Matching your Facebook vanity URL with your page’s title is a good way to strengthen your brand recognition. Customizing this not only improves the searchability of your page in Facebook search, but more importantly, in search engines.

Completely Fill Out Your Profile

Having a complete profile shows that you are professional and committed to engage. Make sure that your profile is completely and accurately filled out, with your avatar, cover photo, bio, and profile info containing up-to-date information. Adding your business phone and address on your Facebook page helps with indexing your brand for local search results and increases your page following, as Google recognizes pages that provide accurate contact information. Create your marketing persona and improve your communication with your target audience by using the appropriate voice and tone.

Add Business Details in “About us” Section

The ‘About Us’ section allows your visitors to know all of the details about your business, such as your physical location, the services you offer, and your working hours. Potential customers are interested in these details, so make sure to provide them with complete information. This section is also a good place to emphasize your corporate values and mission, and to elaborate on the benefits that your products or services can offer.

Provide a detailed, concise description of your business using 155 characters or less, so your page is correctly displayed in the search engine snippet on desktop and mobile. Also add the link to your website or landing page in the short description as this will help to improve the searchability of that page.

Add Keywords Strategically

Even in social media, it is important to optimize for keywords. Add your target keywords in strategic parts of your page, such as the URL, page title, and the ‘About us’ section. These parts are visible on the front page and will also appear in search results. Keep in mind that the name of your Facebook business page will show on search results as your title tag and your short description as the meta description. As always, avoid overstuffing your page with keywords and mention them naturally in the proper context.

Optimize Facebook Posts

The first 18 characters your Facebook post serves as the meta title and the meta description in search engine result pages. Remember to optimize this part with relevant keywords every time you post an update on Facebook, share content, or upload a picture.

Implementing these simple techniques are effective ways to win followers on Facebook. Fortunately, strengthening your online presence on social media does not have to cost much. An ideal strategy for small businesses with limited budget for digital marketing.

Michelle Rubio has been working with SMEs across the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK for the last five years. She is a highly-experienced blogger and SEO copywriter. You can see more of her works and experiences in her LinkedIn profile.

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