Are You Going To Internet World Expo In London?

I have been saying it for years and now I am finally going to do it. I am going to shut up and finally get my arse to a conference. Internet World Expo is the name of the conference that I will be attending and the best news is that it is right here in London, United Kingdom.

Their official website claims that they are “Europe’s leading event for digital marketing & online business”, that is quite a claim to live up to and some of the people speaking only seem to help hold water to the claim.

Not only will there be exhibits from companies like Facebook, Dooyoo, 24/7 Real Media, .Net, Google, Bing, Yahoo, cPanel, Direct Traffic Media, Emedia, Emarsys, NavSoft, SEOptimise, and hundreds more smaller companies, but there will also be plenty of keynote presentations.

There will be 18 keynote presentations from some of the big guns, below are the ones that I have pencilled in for me to attend:

Nick Jones, Head of Digital at COI, will be holding a session titled “Marketing in Tight Times: efficiency and effectiveness – delivering effective marketing campaigns with reduced budgets & ensuring social media earns its keep” on day 3 at 10am.

Yann Depoys, Head of Display Advertising for eBay Europe, will be holding a session titled “The Future of Online Advertising: off-line retail marketing” on day 2 at 3pm.

Full Keynote Timetable [Link Dead]

But what I am most interested in is the 140 free seminar sessions in 6 focused topic groups:

  • Hosting/Web Design & Build
  • Online Advertising, Search & Affiliate
  • Email, Mobile & Web Analytics
  • Future of Social Media
  • eCommerce & fulfilment
  • Content Management

Here are just a few of the sessions I intend of catching:

Diane Buzzeo, President of Ability Commerce, will be holding a session titled “5 simple changes to your ecommerce website that will Increase your sales” on day 1.

Matt Poepsel, VP of Performance Strategies of Gomez, will be holding a session titled “How to turn web traffic into sales – ecommerce trends in 2011” on day 2.

Patrick Altoft, Director of Search of Branded 3, will be holding a session titled “Advanced SEO for sites” on day 3.

There are many, many, more sessions that I intend to check out, those are just three to show you what will be on offer over the three day event. And they were just from one section, the eCommerce & fulfilment topic.

Full Seminar Sessions [Link dead]

But it doesn’t stop there.

Sagepay will be setting up a network bar once again, where you can relax and chat with other people and grab some food & drink. I’m not sure what drink will be served but I hope they serve beer. Or failing that, a nice Nespresso. :)

There is also going to be a number of wireless lounges dotted around so you can check in with the office, check your emails, or do what I will be doing and update your blog.

Sounds like a great three days, right? If you are in London, or even in the United Kingdom, then you should really check this event out. The best thing is that if you book your ticket now it is 100% free. You can just turn up but they will charge you £30 on the door so book online now!

Earls Court 2,
Warwick Road

Tuesday 10th May 2011: 09.30 – 17.00
Wednesday 11th May 2011: 09.30 – 17.00
Thursday 12th May 2011: 09.30 – 16.00

Image by oliver heine from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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