I have decided that I can’t be bothered with the normal pre-amble bit this month so I will simply end it here and let you guys get on with reading what you have come here for, the income report.
Page Impressions & Visitor Count
The unique visitor count for April stands at 3,173 which is a big decrease of 776 from the month of March.
The page impression count for April stands at 6,420, which is a big decrease of 619 from the month of March.
This means that each unique visitor looked at 1.70 pages.
My bounce rate has dropped from 78.25 to 72.92.
– Traffic dropped quite considerably during March and to be honest I’m at a loss as to why this happen. I spent quite a bit of time pushing my posts and blog on Facebook groups which accessed almost 1,000,000 active users. I dropped back on blog commenting so maybe that is why the traffic dropped off.
Show Me The Money!
Adbrite = $1.49 (+$0.49)
Fidelity Media (AdJuggler) – $0.24 (+/-$0.00)
Passive Income = $30.82 (+$16.50)
Private Advertising – $26.00 (-$40.00)
Private Writing = $530.65 (+$140.05)
PulsePoint (AdsDaq) = $0.06 (+$0.02)
Reviews = $101.25 (-$74.32)
Smowtion = $0.10 (-$0.17)
TLA = $4.00 (-$1.50)
UnderDog = $0.35 (+$0.29)
Zapunited = $0.13 (-$0.04)
Total = $695.09 (+$40.96)
– PulsePoint stopped displaying ads on the blog for the past two months, I’m working on getting it restored.
– I saw a drop in review amount because although I did quite a few sponsored posts I am still waiting for payment from a lot of them, some review networks pay quicker than others.
Top Five Search Terms
I like this part of the monthly income report. It is amazing how people find this blog on search engines.
1. most successful business ideas
2. things to do without spending money
3. Smorty
4. product launch ideas
5. how to start writing articles online
Popular Posts of the Month
1. 5 Ways to Enjoy Your Weekend Without Spending Any Money
2. Top 10 Ways to Get People to Like Your Facebook Page
3. March 2012 Blog Income Report
4. 5 Free Twitter Tools to Unfollow Non-Followers
5. Top 5 Most Successful Business Ideas in History
5 Top Site Referrals
The top five sites that sent the most visitors to this blog.
1. myblogguest.com
2. t.co
3. facebook.com
4. urlopener.com
5. google.com
Top 10 Commenters
This is just my little way of saying thank you to the people who take the time to comment on this blog. Without you guys it would be just me rambling away.
1. lesleyanneyp (9)
2. Cashjay@make money online (5)
3. Lennart Heleander@Property Marbella (5)
4. tires (5)
5. Mohideen @ seo blog (4)
6. direct lenders (3)
7. Bathroom Tiles (2)
8. broadband blogger (2)
9. idea management tool (2)
10. Ileane (2)