Person holding a fanned-out stack of U.S. 100-dollar bills

April 2010 Blog Income Report

If I thought was a bad month for me ten April was on hand to give me a nice swift kicks in the crotch with metal shoes on. I broke up with my girlfriend, was thrown out of our home and had to move back in with my father until I can find somewhere else.

Sounds like a bad month, right? But the amazing thing is I actually ended up doubling the money I earned last month. How I have no idea as I barely had the will to do anything.

Page Impressions & Visitor Count

The unique visitor count for April stands at 298, which is a disappointing drop of 126 from the month of March.

The page impression count for April stands at 414, which again is a rather disappointing drop of 191 from the month of March.

This means that each unique visitor looked at 1.39 pages.

Money Money Money!

Adbrite = $0.45 (+$0.27)
AdsDaq = $0.10 (+$0.02)
Adsense = $2.31 (-$3.89)
Adtoll = $0.60 (+$0.55)
Infolinks = $0.53 (-$0.51)
Kontera = $0.01 (-$0.09)
Reviews = $50.35 (+$35.35)
Smowtion = $0.09 (-$0.08)
TLA = $9.93 (+$0.12)
Tradedoubler = $0.00 (+/-$0.00)
UnderDog = $0.09 (+$0.02)

Total = $64.23 (+$31.53)

Top Five Search Terms

I like this part of the monthly income report. It is amazing how people find my blog on search engines.

1. bloggerwave scam
2. i need discipline
3. blog review networks
4. ineeddiscipline
5. wordpress internal server error

Popular Posts Of The Month

1. February 2010 Blog Income Report
2. 4 Ways To Regenerate Old Content
3. 19 Blog Review Networks
4. December 2009 Blog Income Report
5. Commenting Can Help Drive Traffic To Your Blog

5 Top Site Referrals

The top five sites that sent the most visitors to this blog.


About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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