There are many ways to improve your blog, and improve you chances of earning money from blogging, but there are also some things that you must look out for because they can work against you and cause you to fail in your mission.
1. Not Replying To Comments
When a reader takes the time to leave a comment on your blog the very least you can do is reply to them. I have developed a policy of replying to EVERY comment that I publish on my blogs, no matter if it is good or bad.
Also I interact with my readers on Twitter as well.
2. Bad Layout
This is the first thing I sort out when I start up a new blog. A bad layout with the wrong colours and loads of images will kill your traffic faster than Scotland’s hopes of qualifying for the World Cup.
3. Background Music
I really hate this. You visit a blog and they suddenly start playing music or an audio ad. If I want to listen to music then I have a very good selection of music on my iTunes account that I can wade through.
And I am not alone. Not everyone shares your taste in music, so drop it from your blog and everyone will be happy. )
4. Bad Spelling/Grammar
I’m not a teacher by any means, but poor spelling and poor grammar is something that really gets my goat. Every word processor program comes with an added spell-checker these days, so there really is no excuse for content that is is littered with spelling errors.
5. Bad Content
When I visit a blog I want to be entertained, or find informative content that will make me want to come back time and time again. I don’t visit John Chow’s blog very often because I don’t care about what he had for dinner the night before.
Is there anything that you hate about blogs? Why not drop your thoughts into a comment.
Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay