5 Steps To Give Your Blog A Tune-Up

If you’re blogging like a headless chicken you need to stop and take a breath. You’ll hear everyone telling you how consistent and regular content is favoured by the search engines but this doesn’t mean you’ve got to kill yourself getting something written every single day; if it’s become a chore then it’s going to come across in your writing and people won’t want to read it.

Take a step back and really think about your target audience, who do you want to read your blog? What does your ideal reader look like? What are they typing into Google? Where are they hanging out online? Once you know who you’re writing for you should rediscover your passion for writing and it will be a lot easier now you know who you want to be reading your posts.

Create The Perfect First Impression

If you’re looking to buy a house and you walk up the garden path and the door numbers have fallen off and there’s old paper laying by the door or you’re going on a first date and they’re sat there in what looks like their sweaty gym clothes picking their teeth you’ve already formed a decision in your brain, no matter how subconscious it might be you’re already put off.

Look at your blog as objectively as possible, get friends and family to so the same, you might even want to invest in some usability testing. Does your blog look like something you’d really want to read? Have you customised the template to make it look fresh and original? Is it too cluttered and over the top? Does it have an average load time of ten seconds? If people are put off before they’re even read your first word you need to fix it.

Make It Readable

You’d be surprised how many bloggers post without even doing a simple proof read, spell check won’t pick up everything (and as a blogger I hate writing things like that just in case one’s slipped through in this post). If you’re writing a business blog it doesn’t mean it has to be written in a corporate tone of voice, blogs are meant to be fun and easy to read.

Write in the same way you’d chat to a friend, casual and informal. You might break a few grammatical rules along the way but only the really stuffy are going to judge you, after all it’s a blog not an editorial in The Times.

Highlight Your USP

As depressing as it might sound there’s probably nothing all that special about your blog, in fact no matter what you’re writing about there’s going to be another hundred or even thousand blogs out there writing about the exact same thing. You need to do something to make your blog stand head and shoulders above all the others.

Find your USP no matter how trivial you think it sounds, if you have anything that makes you different make sure it’s obvious and engaging. Anything to add credibility to your blog needs to be on display.

Stand Tall

There is so much junk out on the web these days so you need to be confident that your content deserves to be out there and it deserves to be read. Get your name out there and be proud of who you are. Join some relative forums and offer some genuine help where you can, write some guest posts to build your credibility and exposure for your blog and don’t forget your social media.

Image by Tanja-Denise Schantz from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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