5 Sponsored Post Networks I Earn The Most With

Where would I be without the opportunity of making an income by writing paid blog review posts on my blogs? A hell of a lot poorer is the answer to that question. For it totals up about 95% of my monthly earnings.

Some people look down on them but I think they are a fantastic way of generating income and, if written in the correct way, they also help advise people when buying products and expose people to events.

I get lots of emails about this kind of income method so I thought today I would list the five networks that have earned me the most money. Enjoy. :)

5. BlogToProfit ($150.00)

Each review has been worth between $5.00 – $6.00. You do not get many offers but when you do they come thick and fast. I have received five sets of offers with around five reviews in each. They also pay $10.00 per referral (which is how I earnt most of the sum above).

It states that payment is sent weekly but they have been known to take about two weeks.

Read My Review Here

4. Linkworth ($190.88)

Linkworth are a sort of jack of all trades. They offer blog review offers, in-line ads, banner advertising, text link ads, and lots more. If you have a PR0 blog then you might not get many offers

They pay out once you hit $30.00

3. Smorty ($203.40)

Smorty was once a favourite of mine but sadly the reviews dried up so I was forced to look elsewhere and now I barely check Smorty once a day. They might perk up and if so then definitely check them out. I’d say only use them if you have a PR4+ blog.

They pay every week which is why they become very popular.

2. Sponsored Reviews ($793.05)

Whilst most see Pay Per Post as the Mecca of bloggers wishing to earn money from sponsored posts, I choose to worship Sponsored Reviews. They have given me the second most reviews (behind PayU2Blog) and I have earned some good money with them.

Reviews are not all about finance and Viagra and start off at $5.00 and can go up as high as $100+. They also pay every 14 days.

1. PayU2Blog = ($1417.50)

This is one of my favourite networks as the reviews are very frequent. Each one is about $5.00 but if your PR is higher I guess you will get more. You also get the odd $10.00 and $20.00 reviews. Each review is about 60 words with just one link needed.

They pay out every two weeks and are sometimes early!

Don’t forget to tell them deansaliba@hotmail.com recommended you. :)

Do you use any of these? I’d love to know how you get on using them, drop us a comment and let us all know. :)

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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