4 Ways To Make Money With Facebook

Last night while I was publishing the article I wrote about the 7 Networks That Will Pay You To Tweet On Twitter I started to ponder if it would be at all possible to do something similar with Facebook. Could you earn money by simply updating your Facebook status?

While I did not manage to find any companies willing to pay me to simply post Facebook status updates I did stumble across some rather cool ways to earn an income from Facebook.

Music Blaster

This is perfect if you are a music fan and have a lot of music fans on your friend list. You basically earn money by selling music to your friends. The great thing about this is that even small bands and singers can add their stuff to this application.

You will earn 5% from each transaction.

Garage Sale

We all know what a garage sale is, here in the UK we know it is more commonly known as a car boot sale. You pretty much sell anything and everything that you have lying around the house that you have no use for any more.

The nice thing about this is that you can sell absolutely anything from unwanted DVDs right through to rare items like custom vinyl banners.


This should not really be a surprise to many. Ebay pretty much has it’s fingers in almost everything on the internet these days. It is simple, you show auctions on your profile that you friends might be interested in and earn commission.

Lending Club

I left this one till last because I was not sure if I was going to include it or not. But in the end I decided to leave it in the post because it is a rather interesting way to make money from Facebook.

Basically you lend people money through this application and you earn money on the interest on the loan, just like a bank or building society I assume. The legal side is all taken care of by the application so you won’t have to worry about chasing the lendee around the world.

So there you have it. Have you come across another way that has not been included here? Why not drop a comment and let us know?

Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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