A quick glance around this blog will show evidence that I display quite a lot of advertisements from a selection of different advertising networks, both CPM ads and CPC ads. Some bloggers don’t mind having them, but I know that some people would rather look at other ways to make an income from their blog.
The whole point of this blog is to try as many different ways of making an income as possible but I understand that not everybody shares the same view. So with that in mind I have come up with four other ways to make money from your blog without slapping adverts all over the place.
1. Paid Posts
This is quite possibly my favourite ways of making money on the internet, and not just because it is how I make about 90% of my yearly income. It is incredibly easy to do and sometimes the topics can be very interesting.
An advertiser pays you to write a post on your blog about their business/event/product and place links to their site in the post. It is as simple as that. This might be one of the easiest ways of making money, but a lot of readers dislike this kind of advertisement.
2. Set-Up Blogs For Other People
Believe it or not there are a lot of people who would like to have their own hosted WordPress blog but have no idea how to go about it. People like myself find it a breeze to install them, we forget how we struggled when we first tried.
So why not offer a service where you will install and set-up blogs for a reasonable price? Why stop at just setting up the blog? You could offer to install themes and a certain amount of plugins as well to make the deal look sweeter.
3. Become A Freelance Writer
Do you have a talent for writing? Believe it or not many web sites. Online publications and blogs are crying out for freelance writers to buy content from on pretty much any subject under the Sun.
If you are just starting out then be prepared to work for low amounts of money because to stand out, and earn good money, you need to make your work stand out among the other hundreds of thousands all whoring their services for pennies.
4. Sell a product
It doesn’t matter what your web site or blog is about, flowers or even suggesting people Check out profire 2626 at MF, there are products that you can sell on the site that people visiting will be interested in buying.
I have found this to be on of the most difficult things to get to work for me as I am not a good salesman, but in the right hands a person could clean up, do a good trade and easily earn a few thousand a week.
See: Clickbank
Can you think of any that I have omitted from the list? Feel free to let me know via the comments section below. 🙂
Image by Robert Fotograf from Pixabay