4 Ways To Increase Your RSS Feed Count

Well it certainly has been a very long time since I last updated this blog (or any of my others). I have said this before, love is quite possibly the biggest obstacles to making an income on the internet.

Not much has happened at my end since I stopped writing. I’ve fallen in love and I have bought a new cooker, that is about it. It’s not anything fancy like a Wood Stove but it does the job and means no more living on takeaways.

Although I have not been writing, I have been thinking about this blog. One thing that I have wanted to look at for a while has been how to increase my RSS feed count.

Have you been to those big blogs and seen they have 50k, 100k, 200k+ RSS feed subscribers? Have you then looked at the nine people following you and got really depressed and dejected about it?

They haven’t stumbled across some secret method, they are simply aware that there are five key things to do to attract more subscribers. And I have listed four that I believe are vital in increasing the number.

1. Post Regular Content

This should be the most important thing to keep doing, nobody is going to stick around as a subscriber if you barely find the time to post new content. I found that out last month myself. The bloggers that see a good increase find posting more than three times a week is best.

2. Post Quality Articles

Although posting content on a regular basis is vital, it is also important to try and publish quality articles. Posting useless content will annoy your subscribers possibly even more than not updating your blog at all.

3. Offer An Incentive Or A Freebie

If you read a lot of blogs you will probably see that a lot of them offer something in return for subscribing to their RSS feed. On top of the content they might offer a free eBook, a free script, exclusive content only available to RSS feed subscribers or even a free coupon for discount web-hosting.

Everyone loves a freebie!

4. Put The Subscribe Link In A Good Position

I always try to make sure my RSS feed sign-up link is in a highly visible place because I want people to see it. It might shock you to know that a lot of people either tuck it away or hide it completely out of sight. Try and put it near the top.

I hope you find these helpful. Maybe you know of other ways that work for you? Why not let us know by dropping a comment?

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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