4 Ways To Get People Visiting Your Blog Apart From Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is something that I mention a lot, I love it and believe it is a great way to interact with other bloggers and a fantastic way to gain some backlinks and traffic at the same time.

But it is not the only way to gain traffic to your blog. After my endless posts about not putting all your eggs into one basket it would be pretty short-sighted of me not to find other ways, so I did and they are below. :)

Over the years I have found that it doesn’t matter if you are running a blog about making money online, football or lingerie, the following methods seem to work more or less the same.

1. Word Of Mouth

Word of mouth advertising is just as important as paying for advertising campaigns on Adwords. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell the local weirdo, tell your worst enemy, tell anybody and everybody you meet about your web site.

My friend Raven never fails to mention to everyone he meets that he runs a blog. The majority of them will check it out and some of them not only leave comments, but return often.

2. Press Release

If you have an exciting product coming out, an event approaching, or just want to brag about how great your blog is, then a press release is a pretty cool and professional way to go. Believe it or not there are actually a lot of web sites online who will publish your press release, and, you can submit them to article sites like Ezine Articles and Article Alley.

3. Business Cards

I do this. I know it costs money, but it is very cheap and it creates a nice impression if you are talking to someone about your blog and then hand them a business card with some details and your URL on it. They will put it in their pocket or wallet and not their head where it will be lost among other thoughts.

4. Guest Post

Guest posts are also a great way of getting you and your blog noticed. There are hundreds and hundreds of popular blogs around who are desperate for guest posts (I signed up to myblogguest.com to ask for guest bloggers). In return for your guest post they will allow you to link to your blog (sometimes twice if you are lucky).

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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