3 Ways To Kill Your Blog With Post Titles

The other day I wrote a post called 6 Ways To Kill Your Blog which documented six different ways that a blogger could kill off the traffic to their blog. I was really pleased with how the article went, and was received, so I decided to continue with this theme for at least another post.

Today I’m going to write about some ways that you can kill your blog by writing inappropriate post titles.

The title of your blog post is just as important as the content that will follow it. I am not alone here when I say that the title of your blog post will determine if I bother to read the actual content of the post, no matter how good the content may be.

1. Leave Keywords Out Of Title

While it is important not to cram in loads of keywords it is incredibly important that you insert at least one keyword into the title of your blog post. To be honest I think this is more for the ranking in search engines than anything else.

If you write a blog post about something like Adsense and don’t put the word ‘Adsense’ into your post title then it will not rank at all well in search engines and will not bring in as much traffic.

2. Titles That Have Nothing To Do With The Content

This is a mistake that so many people make believe it or not. Personally I look at the post title before I decide whether I want to read the blog post or not. And I know that I am not alone in doing this.

Ideally you should use the post title to pretty much explain what the blog post is about in as few words as possible.

3. Fake Post Title Designed To Trick People To Read

This is something that I have noticed gaining some speed in the Make Money Online industry and it is something that boils my blood so much. I saw it was rife on many professional wrestling web sites and sadly it is increasing in the MMO niche now as well.

The blog owner writes up a really great post title which draws in the reader who then finds out that the content is nothing about the title and the post title was written to trick people into reading the blog post.

Not only is this deceitful and underhanded but people will avoid your blog like the plague and will write about it in their own blogs and spread the word to others telling them to avoid your blog.

Do you know of anything else that could turn people away when blog owners write their post titles?

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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