19 Blog Review Networks

Update: 7/1/21 Updated amounts earned & cleared up networks. Pretty much all dead. 🙁

Please note that due to me cleaning out the dead networks there may now not be 19.

I received a couple of emails recently asking me to go into more details with the blog review networks that I have been part of. Well, not only am I going to post them again today but I am going to give a little bit of information about each one.

I will eventually make a single post about each of them in the future, with a huge review for each one, but for now you will have to settle for this.

If you do decide to sign up I’d appreciate it I you could sign up via the affiliate link, if there is one. I help you out by showing you more blog review networks, you help me out by signing up via the affiliate links. We both win.

If I have missed any then please feel free to let me know via the comments box below:

Name: Blog To Profit
URLHERE (please enter deansaliba@hotmail.com as the referral)
Amount Earned: $150.00
Detailed ReviewRead Here

Summery: Each review has been worth between $5.00 – $6.00. You do not get many offers but when you do they come thick and fast. I have received four sets of offers with around five reviews in each. They also pay $10.00 per referral (which is how I earnt most of the sum above).

It states that payment is sent weekly but they have been known to take about two weeks.

Name: Blogging Ads
Amount Earned: $15.00
Detailed ReviewRead Here

Summery: Blogging Ads are very selective about which blogs get into their network. PR0/PR1/PR2 blogs might be allowed in but they won’t get any offers, I’d say only PR3+ blogs should apply.

Name: Blogitive
Amount Earned: $100.00
Detailed ReviewRead Here

Summery: Blogitive is potentially simple; write a review of about 150 words and be paid $5.00 but the problem is there are very few reviews and they do tend to drag their heels when approving submitted blogs.

Name: Blogvertise
Amount Earned: $274.50
Detailed ReviewRead Here

Summery: Blogvertise work a little bit differently from the other blog review networks in that they contact you with offers. Offers come in all payment shapes and sizes. I’d suggest only submitting if you have PR2+ blog otherwise you’ll only get $2 reviews.

Blogvertise payout 30 days after the post has been approved.

Name: Buy Blog Reviews
Amount Earned: $25.55

Summery: I have applied to over 2300 opportunities and have been accepted for only seven of them. One of them is now dragging their heels about paying me. I’d say only use these if you have a PR3+ blog.

Payment is sent out on the 1st and 15th of every month.

Name: LinkFromBlog
Amount Earned: $50.00
Detailed ReviewRead Here

Summery: Link From Blog is a new one to me, it may have a really horrible design, but they offer a good array of opportunities from a wide spectrum of topics. Opps can range from the ludicrous $0.10 right up to the more luxurious $50.00 per article.

They pay out once you hit $50.00

Name: Linkworth
Amount Earned: $464.32

Summery: Linkworth are a sort of jack of all trades. They offer blog review offers, inline ads, banner advertising, text link ads, and lots more. If you have a PR0 blog then you might not get many offers

They pay out once you hit $30.00

Name: Loudlaunch
URLHERE (please enter deansaliba@hotmail.com as the referral)
Amount Earned: $130.43

Summery: To earn anything from Loudlaunch you have to be very quick off the mark because the reviews are snapped up in minutes and you can’t reserve them like other networks, you have to write them and hope you have not been beaten to it! A basic review price is about $5.00-$10.00.

Payment is normally sent out on the 5th day of each new month.

Name: Pay Per Post
Amount Earned: $63.27

Summery: The mecca for all bloggers wanting to make money via sponsored posts. I am starting to hate them though, and rarely use them, as they are becoming increasingly reluctant to want to work with a blog that uses other review networks, or even other advertising networks like Google Adsense.

They also take the longest to pay out, according to their help page they pay out after about two months of checking you have not taken down the post.

More and more networks have refused to accept blogs who use PPP now.

Name: PayU2Blog
URLHERE (tell them deansaliba@hotmail.com recommended you. :) )
Amount Earned: $1956.50

Summery: This is one of my favourite networks as the reviews are very frequent. Each one is about $5.00 but if your PR is higher I guess you will get more. You also get the odd $10.00 and $20.00 reviews. Each review is about 60 words with just one link needed.

They pay out every two weeks and are sometimes early!

Name: ReviewMe
Amount Earned: $57.50

Summery: When I first joined ReviewMe they had a regular amount of reviews that you could write, mainly about finance, but these have dried up, the best way to earn is to get your blog listed in their market place. This is good if you have a PR4+ blog.

Name: Smorty
Amount Earned: $203.40

Summery: Smorty was once a favourite of mine, but sadly the reviews dried up so I was forced to look elsewhere and now I barely check Smorty once a day. They might perk up, and if so, then definitely check them out. I’d say only use them if you have a PR4+ blog.

They pay every week which is why they become very popular.

Name: Sponsored Reviews
Amount Earned: $955.55

Summery: Whilst most see Pay Per Post as the mecca of bloggers wishing to earn money from sponsored posts, I choose to worship Sponsored Reviews. They have given me the second most reviews (behind PayU2Blog) and I have earned some good money with them.

Reviews are not all about finance and viagra and start off at $5.00 and can go up as high as $100+. They also pay every 14 days.

Name: Zync
Amount Earned: $80.02

Summery: If you can speak Spanish then how about the only blog review network written in Spanish? The review can be written in English if you wish, it basically works like ReviewMe but without the market place.

They pay monthly and I have had 4 reviews accepted by them, all Spanish holidays though.

Image by NikolayFrolochkin from Pixabay

About Dean Saliba

Dean Saliba is a freelance writer, professional blogger, media enthusiast, keen long-distance runner, and huge professional wrestling fan, who covers a wide range of subjects and niches including: making money online, traffic generating, pro wrestling, blog reviews, football, how-to guides, music, internet marketing, running, and more.

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